In November 24, 2023, senior lecturer of the Department of Biomedical Disciplines of Adam Dzhumaev University Akbar Mirzaevich organized an open lesson on the subject «Microbiology, Virology and Immunology» for the group GM-1-22 on the topic: «Experimental methods of studying virulence of microorganisms on the example of S.aureus». During the practical training the students were acquainted with the procedures of identification of isolated pure culture of S.aureus, establishment of the form of infection by origin, localization, duration of course, quantity of pathogen. Additionally, students had the opportunity to examine pathogens under a microscope. The teacher Akbar Myrzaevich demonstrated his innovative experience to the students and introduced them the methodical techniques of working with bio-objects. Students eagerly participated in this laboratory work, at the end of which they made preliminary conclusions and shared their own findings.